Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Word of the Year

It's 2015, y'all!!  Crazy how time just zooms by...

Now, I am not one to make New Year's Resolutions. It's not because I don't like them or don't want to change. The truth is I am never good at keeping them past the first week (who really is?) and then I'd feel guilty that I couldn't reach this random goal I had set for myself. Therefore, I wouldn't set a goal. You can't fail if there is no bar, right?  (Geez, who let this girl in here??)

Well as depressing as that sounds, I have decided instead of setting a goal, I would adopt a word for the year. Seems a little more my speed. Something to keep at the back of my mind to keep me on track throughout the year. A word that will influence my decisions, no matter what category they fall under.

So, without further ado...**drumroll please**

 The word for 2015: 


"Done on purpose; deliberate"

Why, you may ask? I feel as though this idea has been lacking in my life and it is as good of time as any to insert it. It's as if I have just been going through each day, doing things not because I want to or because it makes an impact; it's more because I feel like I must go through the motions to survive. I want to thrive, not just survive! I want to be more intentional in so many areas, including but not limited to:
  • My marriage
  • Friend relationships
  • Work
  • Fitness and healthy eating
  • My time
So far, I have been allowing the things around me and life in general to dictate me, my thoughts, my actions. I have been allowing other people and things define who I am, who I should be, what I should be doing and when. Not okay, people! It is draining trying to contort who I am into something I am not. News flash, Tara: that was not the Big Man's intention when He made you.

It is time for a reboot. It's time to get back to the basics and simplify by being intentional with my time, how I spend it, who I spend it with, and what I will NOT spend it on.

In 2015, I will:
- Seek ways to know and understand my husband's heart
- Dine with the women in my circle so that I know specific ways I can pray for them
- Approach my work as if I am working for the Lord, not man
- Participate in an active setting that I find fun and life-giving, not because I feel like I have to be there
- Feed my desire for learning to cook wholesome meals for my family
- Schedule time for myself so that I can be the best version of me
- Not allow other people's successes define my own
- Make mistakes, and make every effort to learn from them and move on

I am excited about 2015 and can already start to feel a weight being lifted off of me. Here's to a new year!

From my heart...

Your turn: Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  What do you hope 2015 will bring?  

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